Sunday, April 7, 2013

This is an interesting article about the lack of diversity among international students. The author discusses SES diversity and diversity in field of study. Thoughts?


  1. Thanks for the post Asako. I remember talking with classmate about this subject earlier in the year, so I'm glad it is getting some formal recognition now. Also, it touches on issues that are relevant to my research. ---Amira

  2. This is really interesting because it's similar to what I am researching for this class. Understanding the lack of intercultural relationships among students here at U of I, an extremely diverse campus, is a topic that I think needs to be recognized and addressed. I'm particularly studying Asian students on campus and their interactions with other international and/or White students. It lines up with the idea that diversity for diversity's sake is worthless. So far I have found some really interesting research regarding the topic and the differences between student development and values between Easter and Western cultures! :)
