Wednesday, April 10, 2013

California Scorecards. Should they be used for 4-year institutions?

I found this article interesting as it relates to higher education and looking at diversity. California community colleges are using this new system to tracking student's performance. The scorecards are said to be a  "new data tool is user-friendly and often sobering, with graduation, retention and transfer rates for each of the colleges and for the overall system, which enrolls 2.4 millions students."

What do you all think? Will this serve as a statistical data set to revamp the higher education system?

Voice your opinion!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post, Haro. It's interesting that the creators of this score card claim that this was not made as a ranking tool. I feel like many users will be using this to "rank" the institutions. I also question what their measures of "success" are. The idea of this concept is good, but it may get sticky when putting this data out there. Isn't it possible that some of it could be spinned?
