Friday, March 15, 2013

Women of Color in the Academia

This article discusses a new book that highlights the challenges for women of color but also speaks to an issue regarding all faculty of color and how diversity initiatives fulfills an objective of a monetary end.



  1. Thank you for this post, Ife. From what I can gather, this looks like an edited volume of works by several authors highlighting personal experiences and accounts from their own journeys in higher education.

    I thought that this review of the book was very vague though and doesn't give me a sense of what "of color" means, what is meant by "academia" and what these obstacles and challenges are. As a new graduate student, it seems like I often hear about the challenges women of color face but the difficulties are always alluded to and never really discussed outright.

    I am interested in reading this text to find out what kinds of obstacles are faced by our rising scholars.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Here is a pdf of chapter 13 "Notes towared Raical and Gender Justice Ally Practice in Legal Academia":
