Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Professor Fails the Entire Class

Irwin Horwitz had had enough. His students, he thought, weren't performing well academically and they were being disruptive, rude and dishonest. So he sent the students in his strategic management class an email:
"Since teaching this course, I have caught and seen cheating, been told to 'chill out,' 'get out of my space,' 'go back and teach,' [been] called a 'fucking moron' to my face, [had] one student cheat by signing in for another, one student not showing up but claiming they did, listened to many hurtful and untrue rumors about myself and others, been caught between fights between students…."
Horwitz said he would fail every single student.
Read more @ https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/04/27/professor-fails-his-entire-class-and-his-university-intervenes
Is this right or wrong? The University says this will not stand, students will not fail. Others argue that they agree with the actions of the teacher and that all students should fail. Others say that this happened because today's college (undergraduate) students are the 'entitlement generation'..... thoughts?

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