Wednesday, April 15, 2015

$2.50 Can Make a Difference

Students at Loyola University Chicago initiated a $2.50 per semester student fee increase to create a scholarship fund that will support undocumented Loyola undergrads who don't qualify for federal financial aid. This is a powerful example of a completely student-initiated movement to increase access to higher education for their peers. An additional $2.50 per student per semester (with 10,000 students) would create $50,000 additional funds for scholarships, plus faculty, staff, and alumni are also contributing. Students with the Latin American Student Organization and student government developed this resolution and promoted it across campus. Here's the link to the full resolution if you want to read it.

True, this article presents the positive perspective of a student movement at one institution that has a strong foundation in social justice. I wonder if/how this would work at other institutions (smaller, larger, public, private, community colleges, etc.).

If you want, you can also read the comments from Upworthy's Facebook post of this article if you want to hear both sides ... just be prepared to get all fired up at some people's reactions. I sure did (people say some hurtful and disrespectful things without making a valid argument against this).

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