Monday, February 18, 2013

This American Life - Harper High School, Part One

This Saturday, on my drive to Chicago, I listened to This American Life on WILL-580AM at 1pm CST. It is hosted by Ira Glass and usually taped in Chicago [WBEZ]. In light of this week's reading by Suskind, the story at Harper High School in the Englewood area on the south side of Chicago brings the war zone in our urban high schools to life. The following link will take you to part one of the story. Like the book A Hope in the Unseen please be aware that some of the content of the story can be rough to hear. Part two will be aired next week. More information on This American Life can be found at the following link: I'm interested in your feedback and thoughts. Best!


  1. Pam - I am so glad that you posted this TAL episode. I was left sitting in the car after the closing, literally sobbing and thinking about the school and the students that are struggling against all odds. So appropriate for our Suskind readings.

    1. Greetings Holly!

      I'm glad you were able to listen to the Harper H.S. story. I'm finally about to post the second part along with one other story relative to our class.
