Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Trayvon Martin Cartoon; University of Texas Austin

Trayvon Martin cartoon in Texas student paper draws backlash | Inside Higher Ed

This is an article about a cartoon published in the student newspaper at the University of Texas Austin centering on the Trayvon Martin case. Follow the link at the top of the article to The Daily Texan's website and read some of the comments under the cartoon. What are your thoughts about the cartoon and its purpose?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the question that is more interesting is the lack of ignorance of the person and editor that published the cartoon. More times than not, people that do not personally experience what it means to be African American in America do not understand the historic and current racial issues that have continued to impact our lives on-campus as well as off-campus and more importantly on a daily basis.

    To simply publish this article simply shows she does not have any knowledge of race issues in America. In the article is states she was contacted via FB and other forms of social media and has not responded. She has essentially places herself on the black list, the editor and the paper has as well. More importantly, how does this impact students of color, particularly African Americans on campus? how does that impact the campus climate for these particular students.

    Race, especially the experience of African Americans in society continues to be a problem. The Trayvo case will continue to receive national attention. I would not be surprised if a revolution starts sometime in the near future.

  3. I think the cartoon describes more about the cartoonist than the Martin case. Depicting the media coverage of this tragedy as "yellow journalism" demonstrates that she feels the case is being "blown out of proportion" and that it is being made about race for no apparent reason.

    I have heard and read many comments about the case and some have stated that it is just another murder case with no basis of race and that it should not be receiving the attention that is has been. However, I think the fact that Zimmerman followed (basically stalked) Martin without cause (despite police advice) shot him without legitimate reason, and was then allowed to go free proves that this case has more to do with race than any other factor.
