Monday, March 12, 2012

As China Opens Up, Career Counseling Takes Off

The slow economic downturn combined with the increase in enrollments and high expectations of benefits of a degree has resulted in the growth of career centers at universities in China.  Professional staff and student counselors provide services typical of US campus career centers such as job fairs, resume critiques, and workshops.

"Employment counseling is a new phenomenon in China, emerging in the wake of market reforms. Until the late 1990s, university graduates were allocated jobs by the government. Suddenly a whole generation of youngsters had to fend for themselves, without the benefit of insight from parents or professors. A 150-percent increase in the college-educated population in the last decade compounded their challenges and piled on the pressure."

Our Career Services at the School of Labor and Employment Relations has a placement rate of 90% + for internship and full time placement of domestic HR professionals.  The international students often struggle to land jobs in the US.  Although they have to mark on their Visa that they fully intend to come back to China to work upon graduation, many wish to seek employment in the US.  The growth of such guidance centers is promising for those returning back to China.  Hopefully their undergraduate institutions will be able to extend the services to them for assistance in finding employment.

Link to article.


  1. what might you be doing once you have your Diploma?Career Counseling

    1. i think it is really important to get them connected to many of these services early on.
