Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The student who hung the noose

On April 1 on the campus of Duke University something very disturbing happened. I am sure many of you saw this on the news, but I don't believe we discussed this outright during class. A noose was found hanging on a tree near administrative buildings that are home to many of the multicultural communities. I have a close friend who works at Duke and through our text messages that day this was something that hit the Duke Community hard especially the African american students and staff

While I know we have moved past the basic racial and diversity issues, I thought this was interesting to bring up due to what happened after it was found and a student came forward. 

At first "It was swiftly condemned by university administrators at the time as "hateful and stupid."" In fact an e-mail was sent to the University community condemning “cowardly acts of hatred.” Student marches and silent protests were held. 

And then after a student came forward and took responsibility - "The investigation into the discovery of a noose hanging...has determined that it was a result of ignorance and bad judgment"

The student wrote an open letter to the Duke Community on May 1 apologizing for what they said was a "bad pun." 

You can read the full letter here - http://today.duke.edu/2015/05/nooseinvestigation

I have two immediate thoughts about this:

  1. How in the world did he go through American school and not know anything about the noose and its historical context? Unless this student is an international student, I am unsure how this went unlearned. 
  2. Ignorance does not mean you get out of jail free. Who are his friends that watched this happen and said nothing? 
And Questions:
  1. Does a simple sanction and the ability to return to campus next semester give the correct punishment or should more have been done? 
  2. Has the administration done the right thing here? In their response immediately and expanded?
  3. Is there something really drastic missing from the K-12 Education system that we are leaving out important history? 
A Duke student wrote a letter back this the "Noose" Apology - http://newblackman.blogspot.com/2015/05/did-you-change-your-mind-black-duke.html. He brings up timing as this letter and lack of severe disciple came out in the midst of the turmoil in Baltimore and other cities. 

Other Links regarding this: 
Thoughts?? Comments? 

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