Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Outlook for Higher Education Remains Mixed, Moody's Says

During his State of the Union Address President Obama said that colleges that are not able to keep costs down will receive less money from taxes, given that education is an economic imperative.

However, an annual report released by Moody's Investor Services reported on Monday that for the next year to year and a half, colleges will continue to see a decline in admissions as a result of cost. However, for larger, diversified colleges and those that are highly ranked, they project a rise in admissions. After reflecting on today's discussion I was left wondering what this actually means for diversity (actual diversity, not just numbers) in these institutions.

What do you all think?

Here is the link to the article from The Chronicle of Higher Education:

I will also add that President Obama said that colleges that are not able to keep costs down will not be given as much money from tax dollars in tonight's State of the Union Address.


  1. I think one of the most dangerous characteristics of colleges (and K-12 schooling) is their romance with economic and quantitative measures. By dangerous, I mean dangerous to promoting diversity as we understand it.

    President Obama's notion that schools that are economically "well-managed" will be the only ones to receive funding smacks of the reward and accountability system so prevalent in No Child Left Behind/Race to the Top.

    Given the amount of research done on the diversity penalty and other devaluations of diversity in K-12 school policy as a result of the desire to chase a business-oriented bottom line, I am nervous that diversity in higher education faces a grim future.

  2. I think one of the most dangerous characteristics of colleges (and K-12 schooling) is their romance with economic and quantitative measures. By dangerous, I mean dangerous to promoting diversity as we understand it.

    President Obama's notion that schools that are economically "well-managed" will be the only ones to receive funding smacks of the reward and accountability system so prevalent in No Child Left Behind/Race to the Top.

    Given the amount of research done on the diversity penalty and other devaluations of diversity in K-12 school policy as a result of the desire to chase a business-oriented bottom line, I am nervous that diversity in higher education faces a grim future.
