Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Unequal Opportunity Race: A Perspective on Affirmative Action in America

As I reflect on the class readings for this week, I was reminded of a video I'd viewed for a course a few semesters ago, entitled The Unequal Opportunity Race, that was published by the African American Policy Forum. The video provides an animation of a metaphor of life as a track and field event undertaken by people from several ethnic backgrounds. It is not representative of all cultural and ethnic groups accounted for in the United States. Through the animation, it highlights the disparities and obstacles faced by certain ethnic groups. The issues raised through the video mirror those discussed by Derrick Bell in the article "Diversity's Distractions", particularly regarding his quote from Professor Tarpley on how many African Americans have faced economic and systemic barriers occluding them from business opportunities (1). 

 Do you have any comments or reaction for this video, or any connections with the readings that you can make? I look forward to your commentary and thoughts.  

Bell, D. (2003). Diversity's distractions. Columbia Law Review, 103(6), 1622-1633.

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